
Class 11 Physics


Here’s an overview of the key units and topics typically included in the Class 11 Physics syllabus:

1. Physical World and Measurement

  • Physical World: Importance of physics in everyday life, and its role in technology and society.
  • Units and Measurements: SI units, measurement of physical quantities, accuracy, precision, and errors in measurements.

2. Kinematics

  • Motion in One Dimension: Concepts of distance, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration.
  • Equations of Motion: Derivation and application of the equations of motion for uniformly accelerated motion.
  • Motion in Two Dimensions: Projectile motion, circular motion, and vector representation of motion.

3. Laws of Motion

  • Newton's Laws: Understanding the three laws of motion and their applications.
  • Friction: Types of friction, laws of friction, and factors affecting friction.
  • Dynamics of Circular Motion: Concepts of centripetal force and acceleration.

4. Work, Energy, and Power

  • Work: Definition, work done by a constant force, and work-energy theorem.
  • Energy: Types of energy (kinetic and potential), conservation of energy, and power.
  • Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces: Concepts of mechanical energy conservation.

5. Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body

  • Center of Mass: Definition, calculation, and properties of the center of mass.
  • Linear Momentum: Conservation of momentum, collisions, and impulse.
  • Rotational Motion: Angular displacement, velocity, acceleration, and equations of rotational motion.

6. Gravitation

  • Law of Gravitation: Universal law of gravitation, gravitational force, and field.
  • Motion of Planets: Kepler's laws of planetary motion, and gravitational potential energy.
  • Satellite Motion: Types of satellites, orbital motion, and energy considerations.

7. Properties of Bulk Matter

  • Mechanical Properties of Solids: Stress, strain, Young's modulus, and elasticity.
  • Mechanical Properties of Fluids: Hydrostatic pressure, Pascal's law, buoyancy, and viscosity.
  • Thermal Properties: Heat transfer, temperature, and thermal expansion.

8. Thermodynamics

  • Thermal Equilibrium: Concepts of heat, temperature, and thermodynamic systems.
  • Laws of Thermodynamics: Zeroth, first, and second laws of thermodynamics and their applications.
  • Heat Engines: Efficiency, Carnot engine, and refrigerators.

9. Behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory

  • Kinetic Theory of Gases: Ideal gas laws, assumptions of the kinetic theory, and molecular motion.
  • Real Gases: Deviations from ideal behavior, Van der Waals equation.

10. Oscillations and Waves

  • Oscillations: Simple harmonic motion, examples, and properties of oscillating systems.
  • Waves: Types of waves (transverse and longitudinal), wave properties, and sound waves.


  • 1 Section
  • 3 Lessons
  • 2 Quizzes
  • 6h Duration
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Getting Started
3 Lessons2 Quizzes
  1. Introduction to Marketing
  2. Managing Social and Human Capital
  3. Introduction to Corporate Finance
  4. Quizes
  5. Test Course 1
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